1 | 石川栄一, 高野晋吾, 坂本則彰, 中井 啓, 山本哲哉, 坪井康次, 松村 明: 悪性神経膠腫に対する 放射線・テモゾロミド初期治療中の副作用~特にリンパ球減少について~Neuro-Oncology (Tokyo), 2009. (in press) |
2 | 伊藤嘉朗, 高野晋吾, 室井 愛, 松村 明: 下垂体腺腫の蝶形骨洞手術後に大量のくも膜下出血・脳室内出血を来した1例.No Shinkei Geka 37: 887-892, 2009 |
3 | 大須賀覚, 山本哲哉, 石川栄一, 松下 明, 松村 明: Diffusion tensor imaging による水頭症の評価.小児の脳神経 34: 90-94, 2009
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5 | 高野晋吾, 福島 敬, 室井 愛, 山本哲哉, 石川栄一, 大須賀覚, 松村 明: 3歳以下のATRT6例の治療予後. Neuro-Oncology (Tokyo), 2009. (in press) |
6 | 鶴嶋英夫, 鶴田和太郎, 鈴木謙介, 山本哲哉, 山嵜 登, 松村 明: 糖鎖修飾リポソームを用いた血管形成術後狭窄予防.第31回日本バイオマテリアル学会予稿集: 102, 2009 |
7 | 鶴嶋英夫:Drug Deivery SystemとLCS-X線を用いた新規組み合わせ治療の可能性 産業技術総合研究所計測フロンティア研究部門第19回公開セミナー講演集 7-9, 2009 |
8 | 中井 啓, 丸島愛樹, 松村 明: 成人発症の髄内頚髄脂肪腫の一例 脊髄外科 23 (1) 80-84, 2009 |
9 | 和田哲郎, 原 晃, 高野晋吾, 松村 明, 葭仲 潔: 超音波手術器を用いた聴神経腫瘍手術の工夫.耳鼻臨床 102 (11) 900-901, 2009 |
10 | 矢崎侑振, 鶴嶋英夫, 大矢根綾子, 十河 友, 山崎淳司, 伊藤敦夫: DNA-抗体-アパタイト複合層を利用した遺伝子導入技術の開発.第31回日本バイオマテリアル学会予稿集: 113, 2009 |
11 | Akutsu H, Kreutzer J, Fahlbusch R, Buchfelder M, Transsphenoidal decompression of the sellar floor for cavernous sinus meningiomas: Experience with 21 patients.Neurosurgery 65: 54-62, 2009 |
12 | Fujibuchi T, Yamaguchi I, Kasahara T, Iimori T, Masuda Y, Kimura K, Watanabe H, Isobe T, Sakae T: Measurement of thermal neutron fluence distribution with use of 23Na radioactivation around a medical compact cyclotron.Radiol Phys Technol 2: 159-165, 2009 |
13 | Fujimoto A, Ochi A, Imai K, Chan D, Sharma R, Viljoen A, Chu B, Holowka S, Kemp SM, Chuang SH, Matsumura A, Ayuzawa S, Snead OC 3rd, Otsubo H: Magnetoencephalography using total intravenous anesthesia in pediatric patients with intractable epilepsy: lesional vs nonlesional epilepsy.Brain Dev 31: 34-41, 2009 |
14 | Ishikawa E, Yamamoto M, Saito A, Kujiraoka Y, Iijima T, Akutsu H, Matsumura A: Delayed cyst formation after gamma knife radiosurgery for brain metastasis.Neurosurgery 65: 689-695, 2009 |
15 | Lee BH, Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Shimizu Y, Sasaki T, Koshizaki N: A new approach for hydroxyapatite coating on polymeric materials using laser-induced precursor formation and subsequent aging.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 1: 1520-1524, 2009 |
16 | Marushima A, Matsumaru Y, Suzuki K, Takigawa T, Kujiraoka Y, Anno I, Matsumura A: Selective arterial embolization with n-butyl cyanoacrylate in the treatment of aneursymal bone cyst of the thoracic vertebra: a case report.Spine 34: E230-4, 2009 |
17 | Mashiko R, Yamamoto T, Sato M, Noguchi S, Matsumura A: Acquired hemophilia first manifesting as life-threatening intracranial hemorrhage.Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49: 93-95, 2009 |
18 | Matsuda M, Yamamoto T, Kumada H, Nakai K, Shirakawa M, Tsurubuchi T, Matsumura A: Dose distribution and clinical response of glioblastoma treated with external beam boron neutron capture therapy.Appl Radiat Isot 67: 19-21, 2009 |
19 | NMatsuda M, Yamamoto T, Matsumura A, Kaneda Y: Highly efficient eradication of intracranial glioblastoma using Eg5 siRNA combined with HVJ envelope.Gene Ther 16: 1465-76, 2009 |
20 | Matsumura A, Yamamoto T, Tsurubuchi T, Matsuda M, Shirakawa M, Nakai K, Endo K, Tokuue K, Tsuboi K: Current practices and future directions of therapeutic strategy in glioblastoma: survival benefit and indication of BNCT.Appl Radiat Isot 67: 12-4, 2009 |
21 | Mizumoto M, Tsuboi K, Igaki H, Yamamoto T, Takano S, Oshiro Y, Hayashi Y, Hashii H, Kanemoto A, Nakayama H, Sugahara S, Sakurai H, Matsumura A, Tokuuye K: Phase I/II Trial of Hyperfractionated Concomitant Boost Proton Radiotherapy for Supratentorial Glioblastoma Multiforme.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys., 2009 (Epub ahead of print) |
22 | Nakai K, Kumada H, Yamamoto T, Tsurubuchi T, Zaboronok A, Matsumura A: Feasibility of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for malignant spinal tumors. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 43-6, 2009 |
23 | Nakamura H, Ueno M, Ban HS, Nakai K, Tsuruta K, Kaneda Y, Matsumura A: Development of boron nanocapsules for neutron capture therapy. Appl Radiat Isot 67 (7-8 Suppl): S84-7, 2009 |
24 | Nariai T, Ishiwata K, Kimura Y, Inaji M, Momose T, Yamamoto T, Matsumura A, Ishii K, Ohno K: PET pharmacokinetic analysis to estimate boron concentration in tumor and brain as a guide to plan BNCT for malignant cerebral glioma. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 348-50, 2009 |
25 | Osuka S, Matsushita A, Yamamoto T, Saotome K, Isobe T, Nagatomo Y, Masumoto T, Komatsu Y, Ishikawa E, Matsumura A: Evaluation of ventriculomegaly using diffusion tensor imaging: correlations with chronic hydrocephalus and atrophy. J Neurosurg, 2009 (Epub ahead of print) |
26 | Oyane A, Murayama M, Yamazaki A, Sogo Y, Ito A, Tsurushima H: Fibronectin-DNA-apatite composite layer for highly efficient and area-specific gene transfer. J Biomed Mater Res A, 2009 (Epub ahead of print) |
27 | Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Murayama M, Yamazaki A, Sogo Y, Ito A: Immobilization of cell adhesion protein in DNA-apatitie composite layer to improve gene transfer efficiency on its surface. The 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine.BIOCERAMICS 22: 535-538, 2009 |
28 | Shibata Y, Yamamoto T, Takano S, Katayama W, Takeda T, Matsumura A: Direct comparison of thallium-201 and technetium-99m MIBI SPECT of a glioma by a receiver operating characteristic analysis. J Clin Neurosci 16: 264-269, 2009 |
29 | Shibata Y: Comment on “Hypericin uptake: a prognostic marker for survival in high-grade glioma”. J Clin Neurosci, 1381-1382, 2009 |
30 | Shibata Y, Muroi A, Matsushita A, Tsunoda T, Kobayashi E, Matsumura A: Our clinical experience with migraine-triggered seizure. Japanese Journal of Headache 35, 3, 76-78, 2009 |
31 | Shibata Y, Matsuda M, Suzuki K, Matsumura A: Cystic neurohypophysial Germinoma associated with Moyamoya disease. Neurol Sci, 2009 [Epub] |
32 | Shirakawa M, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Aburai K, Kawatobi S, Tsurubuchi T, Yamamoto Y, Yokoyama Y, Okuno H, Matsumura A: Synthesis and evaluation of a novel liposome containing BPA-peptide conjugate for BNCT. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 88-90, 2009 |
33 | Takano S, Osuka S, Mashiko R, Ohneda O, Nagano M, Yamashita T, Matsumura A: The role of chemokine SDF-1 and CXCR4 in glioma angiogenesis and invasiveness: interaction between glioma and glioma-derived endothelial cells. Neuro Oncol 11: 219-220, 2009 |
34 | Tsurubuchi T, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Zaboronok A, Yoshida F, Miyakawa M, Shirakawa M, Matsuda M, Matsumura A: Intracellular uptake of a new boronated porphyrin EC032. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 94-6, 2009 |
35 | Tsurubuchi T, Zaboronok A, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Yoshida F, Shirakawa M, Matsuda M, Matsumura A: The optimization of fluorescence imaging of brain tumor tissue differentiated from brain edema- In vivo kinetic study of 5-aminolevulinic acid and talaporfin sodium. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 6: 19-27, 2009 |
36 | Tsurubuchi T, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Zaboronok A, Yoshida F, Miyakawa M, Shirakawa M, Yamamoto Y, Matsuda M, Matsumura A: Intracellular uptake of a new boronated porphyrin EC032. Appl Radiat Isot 67 (7-8 Suppl): S94-6, 2009 |
37 | Tsuruta W, Tsurushima H, Yamamoto T, Suzuki K, Yamazaki N, Matsumura A: Application of liposomes incorporating doxorubicin with sialyl Lewis X to prevent stenosis after rat carotid artery injury. Biomaterials 30: 118-125, 2009 |
38 | Wang XP, Ito A, Sogo Y, Li X, Tsurushima H, Oyane A: Ascorbate-Apatite Composite and Ascorbate-FGF2-Apatite Composite Layers Formed on External Fixation Rods and Their Promoting Effects on Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in vitro. Acta Biomater, 2009 (Epub ahead of print) |
39 | Yamamoto T, Enomoto T, Matsumura A: Percutaneous transesophageal gastrotubing: alternative tube nutrition for a patient with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Surg Neurol 72: 278-9, 2009 |
40 | Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Kageji T, Kumada H, Endo K, Matsuda M, Shibata Y, Matsumura A: |
41 | Boron neutron capture therapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Radiother Oncol 91: 80-84, 2009 |
42 | Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Tsurubuchi T, Matsuda M, Shirakawa M, Zaboronok A, Endo K, Matsumura A: Boron neutron capture therapy for newly-diagnosed glioblastoma: a pilot study in Tsukuba. Appl Radiat Isot 67: S25-26, 2009 |
43 | Yamamoto T, Suzuki K, Yamazaki T, Tsuruta W, Tsurubuchi T: Persistent primitive olfactory artery aneurysm. Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49: 303-305, 2009 |
44 | Yamamoto Y, Isobe T, Yamamoto T, Shibata Y, Anno I, Nakai K, Shirakawa M, Matsushita A, Sato E, Matsumura A: T2 Corrected Quantification Method of L-p-Boronophenylalanine Using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 345-7, 2009 |
45 | Yazaki Y, Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Sogo Y, Ito A, Yamazaki A: Control of efficiency of gene transfer on surface of DNA-Fibronectin-Apatite composite layer. The 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine. BIOCERAMICS 22: 547-550, 2009 |
46 | Yue Q, Shibata Y, Isobe T, Anno I, Kawamura H, Gong Q, Matsumura A: Absolute choline concentration measured by quantitative proton MR spectroscopy correlates with cell density in meningioma. Neuroradiology 51: 61-67, 2009 |
47 | Zhang W, Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Ito A, Chu PK: Osteoblast differentiation induced by Nitrogen plasma-treated polymer surface.The 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine. BIOCERAMICS 22: 897-900, 2009 |