➤ 原著

1石川栄一, 高野晋吾, 坂本則彰, 中井 啓, 山本哲哉, 坪井康次, 松村 明: 悪性神経膠腫に対する 放射線・テモゾロミド初期治療中の副作用~特にリンパ球減少について~Neuro-Oncology (Tokyo), 2009. (in press)
2伊藤嘉朗, 高野晋吾, 室井 愛, 松村 明: 下垂体腺腫の蝶形骨洞手術後に大量のくも膜下出血・脳室内出血を来した1例.No Shinkei Geka 37: 887-892, 2009
3大須賀覚, 山本哲哉, 石川栄一, 松下 明, 松村 明: Diffusion tensor imaging による水頭症の評価.小児の脳神経 34: 90-94, 2009
4佐藤祐希, 坂根正孝, 作田直紀, 落合直之, 山本哲哉, 村井伸司: 硬膜外腫瘍摘出術後に小脳出血を呈した一例.Orthopaedic Surgery and TraumatologySurgery 52: 919-922, 2009
5高野晋吾, 福島 敬, 室井 愛, 山本哲哉, 石川栄一, 大須賀覚, 松村 明: 3歳以下のATRT6例の治療予後. Neuro-Oncology (Tokyo), 2009. (in press)
6鶴嶋英夫, 鶴田和太郎, 鈴木謙介, 山本哲哉, 山嵜 登, 松村 明: 糖鎖修飾リポソームを用いた血管形成術後狭窄予防.第31回日本バイオマテリアル学会予稿集: 102, 2009
7鶴嶋英夫:Drug Deivery SystemとLCS-X線を用いた新規組み合わせ治療の可能性 産業技術総合研究所計測フロンティア研究部門第19回公開セミナー講演集 7-9, 2009
8中井 啓, 丸島愛樹, 松村 明: 成人発症の髄内頚髄脂肪腫の一例 脊髄外科 23 (1) 80-84, 2009
9和田哲郎, 原  晃, 高野晋吾, 松村 明, 葭仲 潔: 超音波手術器を用いた聴神経腫瘍手術の工夫.耳鼻臨床 102 (11) 900-901, 2009
10矢崎侑振, 鶴嶋英夫, 大矢根綾子, 十河 友, 山崎淳司, 伊藤敦夫: DNA-抗体-アパタイト複合層を利用した遺伝子導入技術の開発.第31回日本バイオマテリアル学会予稿集: 113, 2009
11Akutsu H, Kreutzer J, Fahlbusch R, Buchfelder M, Transsphenoidal decompression of the sellar floor for cavernous sinus meningiomas: Experience with 21 patients.Neurosurgery 65: 54-62, 2009
12Fujibuchi T, Yamaguchi I, Kasahara T, Iimori T, Masuda Y, Kimura K, Watanabe H, Isobe T, Sakae T: Measurement of thermal neutron fluence distribution with use of 23Na radioactivation around a medical compact cyclotron.Radiol Phys Technol 2: 159-165, 2009
13Fujimoto A, Ochi A, Imai K, Chan D, Sharma R, Viljoen A, Chu B, Holowka S, Kemp SM, Chuang SH, Matsumura A, Ayuzawa S, Snead OC 3rd, Otsubo H: Magnetoencephalography using total intravenous anesthesia in pediatric patients with intractable epilepsy: lesional vs nonlesional epilepsy.Brain Dev 31: 34-41, 2009
14Ishikawa E, Yamamoto M, Saito A, Kujiraoka Y, Iijima T, Akutsu H, Matsumura A: Delayed cyst formation after gamma knife radiosurgery for brain metastasis.Neurosurgery 65: 689-695, 2009
15Lee BH, Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Shimizu Y, Sasaki T, Koshizaki N: A new approach for hydroxyapatite coating on polymeric materials using laser-induced precursor formation and subsequent aging.ACS Appl Mater Interfaces, 1: 1520-1524, 2009
16Marushima A, Matsumaru Y, Suzuki K, Takigawa T, Kujiraoka Y, Anno I, Matsumura A: Selective arterial embolization with n-butyl cyanoacrylate in the treatment of aneursymal bone cyst of the thoracic vertebra: a case report.Spine 34: E230-4, 2009
17Mashiko R, Yamamoto T, Sato M, Noguchi S, Matsumura A: Acquired hemophilia first manifesting as life-threatening intracranial hemorrhage.Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49: 93-95, 2009
18Matsuda M, Yamamoto T, Kumada H, Nakai K, Shirakawa M, Tsurubuchi T, Matsumura A: Dose distribution and clinical response of glioblastoma treated with external beam boron neutron capture therapy.Appl Radiat Isot 67: 19-21, 2009
19NMatsuda M, Yamamoto T, Matsumura A, Kaneda Y: Highly efficient eradication of intracranial glioblastoma using Eg5 siRNA combined with HVJ envelope.Gene Ther 16: 1465-76, 2009
20Matsumura A, Yamamoto T, Tsurubuchi T, Matsuda M, Shirakawa M, Nakai K, Endo K, Tokuue K, Tsuboi K: Current practices and future directions of therapeutic strategy in glioblastoma: survival benefit and indication of BNCT.Appl Radiat Isot 67: 12-4, 2009
21Mizumoto M, Tsuboi K, Igaki H, Yamamoto T, Takano S, Oshiro Y, Hayashi Y, Hashii H, Kanemoto A, Nakayama H, Sugahara S, Sakurai H, Matsumura A, Tokuuye K: Phase I/II Trial of Hyperfractionated Concomitant Boost Proton Radiotherapy for Supratentorial Glioblastoma Multiforme.Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys., 2009 (Epub ahead of print)
22Nakai K, Kumada H, Yamamoto T, Tsurubuchi T, Zaboronok A, Matsumura A: Feasibility of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy for malignant spinal tumors. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 43-6, 2009
23Nakamura H, Ueno M, Ban HS, Nakai K, Tsuruta K, Kaneda Y, Matsumura A: Development of boron nanocapsules for neutron capture therapy. Appl Radiat Isot 67 (7-8 Suppl): S84-7, 2009
24Nariai T, Ishiwata K, Kimura Y, Inaji M, Momose T, Yamamoto T, Matsumura A, Ishii K, Ohno K: PET pharmacokinetic analysis to estimate boron concentration in tumor and brain as a guide to plan BNCT for malignant cerebral glioma. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 348-50, 2009
25Osuka S, Matsushita A, Yamamoto T, Saotome K, Isobe T, Nagatomo Y, Masumoto T, Komatsu Y, Ishikawa E, Matsumura A: Evaluation of ventriculomegaly using diffusion tensor imaging: correlations with chronic hydrocephalus and atrophy. J Neurosurg, 2009 (Epub ahead of print)
26Oyane A, Murayama M, Yamazaki A, Sogo Y, Ito A, Tsurushima H: Fibronectin-DNA-apatite composite layer for highly efficient and area-specific gene transfer. J Biomed Mater Res A, 2009 (Epub ahead of print)
27Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Murayama M, Yamazaki A, Sogo Y, Ito A: Immobilization of cell adhesion protein in DNA-apatitie composite layer to improve gene transfer efficiency on its surface. The 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine.BIOCERAMICS 22: 535-538, 2009
28Shibata Y, Yamamoto T, Takano S, Katayama W, Takeda T, Matsumura A: Direct comparison of thallium-201 and technetium-99m MIBI SPECT of a glioma by a receiver operating characteristic analysis. J Clin Neurosci 16: 264-269, 2009
29Shibata Y: Comment on “Hypericin uptake: a prognostic marker for survival in high-grade glioma”. J Clin Neurosci, 1381-1382, 2009
30Shibata Y, Muroi A, Matsushita A, Tsunoda T, Kobayashi E, Matsumura A: Our clinical experience with migraine-triggered seizure. Japanese Journal of Headache 35, 3, 76-78, 2009
31Shibata Y, Matsuda M, Suzuki K, Matsumura A: Cystic neurohypophysial Germinoma associated with Moyamoya disease. Neurol Sci, 2009 [Epub]
32Shirakawa M, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Aburai K, Kawatobi S, Tsurubuchi T, Yamamoto Y, Yokoyama Y, Okuno H, Matsumura A: Synthesis and evaluation of a novel liposome containing BPA-peptide conjugate for BNCT. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 88-90, 2009
33Takano S, Osuka S, Mashiko R, Ohneda O, Nagano M, Yamashita T, Matsumura A: The role of chemokine SDF-1 and CXCR4 in glioma angiogenesis and invasiveness: interaction between glioma and glioma-derived endothelial cells. Neuro Oncol 11: 219-220, 2009
34Tsurubuchi T, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Zaboronok A, Yoshida F, Miyakawa M, Shirakawa M, Matsuda M, Matsumura A: Intracellular uptake of a new boronated porphyrin EC032. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 94-6, 2009
35Tsurubuchi T, Zaboronok A, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Yoshida F, Shirakawa M, Matsuda M, Matsumura A: The optimization of fluorescence imaging of brain tumor tissue differentiated from brain edema- In vivo kinetic study of 5-aminolevulinic acid and talaporfin sodium. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy 6: 19-27, 2009
36Tsurubuchi T, Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Zaboronok A, Yoshida F, Miyakawa M, Shirakawa M, Yamamoto Y, Matsuda M, Matsumura A: Intracellular uptake of a new boronated porphyrin EC032. Appl Radiat Isot 67 (7-8 Suppl): S94-6, 2009
37Tsuruta W, Tsurushima H, Yamamoto T, Suzuki K, Yamazaki N, Matsumura A: Application of liposomes incorporating doxorubicin with sialyl Lewis X to prevent stenosis after rat carotid artery injury. Biomaterials 30: 118-125, 2009
38Wang XP, Ito A, Sogo Y, Li X, Tsurushima H, Oyane A: Ascorbate-Apatite Composite and Ascorbate-FGF2-Apatite Composite Layers Formed on External Fixation Rods and Their Promoting Effects on Cell Proliferation and Differentiation in vitro. Acta Biomater, 2009 (Epub ahead of print)
39Yamamoto T, Enomoto T, Matsumura A: Percutaneous transesophageal gastrotubing: alternative tube nutrition for a patient with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt. Surg Neurol 72: 278-9, 2009
40Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Kageji T, Kumada H, Endo K, Matsuda M, Shibata Y, Matsumura A:
41Boron neutron capture therapy for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Radiother Oncol 91: 80-84, 2009
42Yamamoto T, Nakai K, Tsurubuchi T, Matsuda M, Shirakawa M, Zaboronok A, Endo K, Matsumura A: Boron neutron capture therapy for newly-diagnosed glioblastoma: a pilot study in Tsukuba. Appl Radiat Isot 67: S25-26, 2009
43Yamamoto T, Suzuki K, Yamazaki T, Tsuruta W, Tsurubuchi T: Persistent primitive olfactory artery aneurysm. Case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo) 49: 303-305, 2009
44Yamamoto Y, Isobe T, Yamamoto T, Shibata Y, Anno I, Nakai K, Shirakawa M, Matsushita A, Sato E, Matsumura A: T2 Corrected Quantification Method of L-p-Boronophenylalanine Using Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy. Appl Radiat Isot 67: 345-7, 2009
45Yazaki Y, Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Sogo Y, Ito A, Yamazaki A: Control of efficiency of gene transfer on surface of DNA-Fibronectin-Apatite composite layer. The 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine. BIOCERAMICS 22: 547-550, 2009
46Yue Q, Shibata Y, Isobe T, Anno I, Kawamura H, Gong Q, Matsumura A: Absolute choline concentration measured by quantitative proton MR spectroscopy correlates with cell density in meningioma. Neuroradiology 51: 61-67, 2009
47Zhang W, Oyane A, Tsurushima H, Ito A, Chu PK: Osteoblast differentiation induced by Nitrogen plasma-treated polymer surface.The 22nd International Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine. BIOCERAMICS 22: 897-900, 2009

➤ 総説

1大矢根綾子, 鶴嶋英夫, 十河 友, 伊藤敦夫, 六崎裕高: 生体機能分子を利用したアパタイト系生体材料の開発. New Glass, ニューガラスフォーラム 24 (3): 35-42, 2009
2高野晋吾: 悪性神経膠腫に対する血管新生抑制療法. Jpn J Cancer Chemother 36: 941-947, 2009
3松村 明, 中井 啓: ホウ素中性子捕捉療法(BNCT)の現状とこれからの展開. DIGITAL MEDICINE 7 (6), 2009
4山本哲哉, 坪井康次: 特集 脳腫瘍研究の最前線-遺伝子解析から治療まで.悪性グリオーマに対する粒子線治療.BRAIN and NERVE 61: 855-866, 2009

➤ 著書

1Ishikawa E, Takano S, Ohno T, Tsuboi K: Adoptive cell transfer therapy for malignant gliomas. Glioma: Immunotherapeutic approaches, edited by Yamanaka R, 2009
2井原 哲(分担): これだけは知っておきたい脳神経外科ナーシングQ&A 森田明夫編集. Ⅸ 奇形: p185-193, 総合医学社(東京), 2009
3井原 哲, 師田信人(分担): 小児疾患診療のための病態生理2 第4版. 脳腫瘍・脊髄腫瘍: 小児内科41: 654-658, 2009
4井原 哲, 師田信人: 特集 二分脊椎への取り組み.二分脊椎に伴う脊髄空洞症の病態と治療.小児外科41: 705-709, 2009
5井原 哲, 師田信人: 特集 脳・神経系の画像診断.脊髄疾患.小児科診療72: 573-582, 2009
6高野晋吾, 松村 明: Gliomatosis Cerebri. 河本圭司・吉田純・中里洋一 編集.脳腫瘍臨床病理カラーアトラス第3版.医学書院 31-33, 2009
7高野晋吾: 異所性下垂体腺腫. 寺本明, 長村義之(編集)寺本明, 長村義之.下垂体腫瘍のすべて.医学書院 271-275, 2009
8松村 明, 中井 啓: ホウ素中性子捕捉療法. NS NOW 5グリオーマ その最新治験, 2009
9松村 明, 中井 啓: 陽子線治療. NS NOW 7低侵襲時代の頭蓋底手術, 2009
10山本哲哉, 松村 明: 定位的照射法-陽子線治療と重粒子治療.(編集)寺本明, 長村義之.下垂体腫瘍のすべて.医学書院 411-412, 2009
11安田 貢ほか(翻訳・監修): ACLSリソーステキスト・Chapter9脳卒中 アメリカ心臓協会, バイオメディスインターナショナル, 155-177, 2009